Aloevera has well known effects on skin. Anju Alvera Gel brings to you the pure and natural form of gel for your skin. It has triple effect: Moisturizing – Protecting – Healing. Due to its composition, Anju Alvera Gel starts to moisturize the skin and hence the dry skin cells start to rehydrate. Anju Alvera Gel contains an active ingredient called Aloin that acts to reduce the pigmentation of skin and the gel itself forms a protective layer against the exposure to sun, pollution and microbes thereby healing the infected area to get back the BEST of YOU!

Anju Alvera Gel (50 gm)
Pure & Natural Aloevera Gel, no added chemicals
For various skin related applications like: dry skin, cuts, burns, boils, summer exposure, infection, rashes etc.
Moisturizes – Protects – Heals
Indication: Acne, Sunburn, Skin, Aging, Infection, Undesired marks on Skin, Cuts, Burn, Wounds etc. Ingredients: Aloe Barbadensis 98 % , Excepients Q.S |